Welcome June

June Thoughts

Welcome June! I’m sure summer activities definitely comes to mind for all of us! Picnics, holidays and vacations. I will be centering my blog on getting us ready for July! Food ideas, decorating and great fashion! Please be sure to follow along as I present ideas for you to incorporate into your festivities!

Family And Friends Get Togethers!

Summer always seems to be the time that people like to gather outdoors and commune. Picnics and BBQs are my favorites!

Getting In The Summer Spirit!

I love to update my decorating for holidays and seasonal changes!

Food not only embodies certain traditions but can evoke special memories! For me, I found some of the more traditional recipes are what my guests appreciate.

Changing your pillows can easily update the feel of your home. 

Tablescaping can be done with just a few color updates. You don’t need to be cutesy for the holidays but still bring in festive colors.

She’s On The Move!

Finally we are able to get out and about! 

I’ll be showing you how to easily change outfits depending on where you are going. 

Accessories and shoes are always your best friend! Your third piece is vital when adjusting for occasions and weather changes. Even walking into restaurants and grocery stores your topper will need to be included due to ac!

Exploring new local locations can be enriching and thought provoking! 

In The Kitchen

Italian Dinner

Step by Step video on prepping for a fabulous Italian Dinner!

Italian is still my favorite cuisine and I like to always put a little twist in there!

This lemon and olive chicken (seared and baked in one pan) is light with a burst of flavor you will be sure to enjoy! 

Marcella Hazan’s famous 3 ingredient pasta sauce is now the only way I will make my sauce! Done in only 45 minutes!

The salad is inspired by the Olive Garden and the homemade dressing can be used for over a week in your refrigerator!

Olive and Lemon Chicken

3 Ingredient Red Sauce

Italian Salad and Dressing

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