
Bali, Indonesia 2013.

This was my first true spiritual travel! I had no idea when I went that it would change my life forever. It came at a time when I think most of us wonder what life is really about and what difference have you made in this world. Never traveling outside of the states, to say the least I was scared but yet excited. I went with my church group, not really knowing them other then a hello, turned into lasting friendships and moments that only you can have traveling together to another country. Each one effected a different part of my life. I will forever be grateful to each and every one of them!

The Balinese people are still to this day the kindest people I have ever met. Every step and act they do is done with such love and gratitude. This showed me how everything we do, big or little, impacts the energy put out in this world. Love abounds there! It was amazing to me how even in the rice fields the very first growth is blessed and reverend before they will take from the rest of the filed! Taking my first cooking class there, it sparked which is now my knowledge of cultural food and learning from everyone’s gift that they bring. Grounding myself now in graditude for all things was my biggestlesson ever learned and continues to this day. Namaste!

There is where I learned NOT to be a tourist but a guest respecting all there cultures and traditions. I now embrace this mindset and am a part of where I am rather then an observer! This hold true whether I am abroad or locally. It changed my philosophy on cooking and how I want people to feel in my home!

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